The Morro Bay Commercial Fishermen's Organization represents the working men and women of Morro Bay, California's waterfront. The MBCFO works closely with governmental organizations, NGO's, business groups and other stakeholders on a number of issues every year to support commercial fisheries, improve marine environments and strengthen the social and economic health of our community.
The MBCFO has been involved in the following activities:
The MBCFO has been involved in the following activities:
- Since 1995, MBCFO has leased a major commercial Fishing gear storage facility from the City of Morro Bay and subleases gear storage space to over 20 local fishing operations, providing critical support infrastructure for the port of Morro Bay
- From 2002 to 2008 the MBCFO operated a fish buying dock for the City of Morro Bay when no other tenants could be found for this facility. when local landing picked up and private parties came forward to operate the dock the MBCFO voluntarily stepped down.
- In 2012, the MBCFO was instrumental in organizing opposition to proposed marine seismic testing that could have devastating effects on our local economy and environment.
- The MBCFO sponsors many local community events, such as the annual blessing of the fleet and community barbeque in Spring, Fishermen's memorial in May and the annual lighted boat parade in December. See our calendar for upcoming events.
- The MBCFO funds scholarships for local students
- The MBCFO assisted the Central California Joint Cable/Fisheries Liaison Committee in the development of an Economic Impact Report of Fisheries in Morro Bay. See the Reports below.
Click on the Images to view the Following Documents
MORRo bay 2013 Commercial Fisheries Economic Impact Report
According to the Morro Bay 2013 Commercial Fisheries Economic Impact Report, the commercial fishing industry is in its 5th year of economic growth. Since 2007, landings have increased over 750% and earnings over 300%.
Morro Bay 2012 Commercial Fisheries Economic Impact Report
The Morro Bay 2012 Commercial Fisheries Economic Impact Report highlights a 400% rise in earnings over 5 years as well as the expansion and improvement of infrastructure, growth in related businesses. The MBCFO spearheaded the report funded by the Central Coast Joint Cable/Fisheries Liaison Committee.
Morro Bay 2011 Commercial Fisheries Economic Impact Report
The Morro Bay 2011 Commercial Fisheries Economic Impact Report was sponsored by a generous grant from the Central Coast Joint Cable/Fisheries Liaison Committee and administered by the MBCFO. The report showcases the hard work and ingenuity of local commercial fishermen and an increase in earnings of over 250% from the previous season.
Morro Bay/Port San Luis Commercial Fisheries Business Plan 2008
The 2008 Morro Bay/Port San Luis Commercial Fisheries Business Plan was funded by a California Coastal Conservancy grant and administered by the City of Morro Bay. The Plan is an industry-driven analysis of commercial fishing-related physical infrastructure, facilities and services, markets, regulation, economic performance and culminates with recommendations and potential funding options.
Morro Bay/Port San Luis Commercial Fisheries Business Plan 2010 Update
The 2010 update to the Morro Bay/Port San Luis Commercial Fisheries Business Plan builds on the 2008 project and focuses on economic performance indicators of landings, earnings, trips, number of vessels, price per pound by species and a jump to $4.8 million in earnings for local commercial fishermen.